Board Members

Board Member Profiles are Q & A with members of our church community.

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Eva Pal – Profile

My husband and I have been involved with the Church since July of 1976. About a year later Ruby Leask asked me if I would look after the financial end of the Church. My agreement meant that I had to become a Board member, and start chairing some of the services. The first service I had to Chair was for Rev. Lloyd Harriman. I was scared because both Sandra and Ruby were away that Sunday, so when our worker showed up he realized that he was running the whole show! He did both the opening and closing prayers. He played the organ for the songs, he did the talk and the messages. After the service he asked me what I was supposed to be doing. All i did was introduce him for everything.

By 1978 I was also asked to teach first year development classes together with George Kedzierski,and Helen Gibb. Shortly after starting Helen decided to go back to school and had to drop out of teaching. In the spring, George got a job in GM on the line and he dropped out of teaching. I was on my own. Sandra kept giving me material for the group, and there were about twenty people. So I was doing the treasurers job and teaching. I set with the same group for over two years, when Sandra told me that if the group wants to tay together for meditation and further learning they can do it on their own. She put me in charge of teaching the Spiritual Science material. I was very apprehensive since I have not taken the course myself. My husband took it. But of course he did not want to do it!

To date, I have done the Churches finances for approximately 19 years.

What attracted you to Spiritualism in the beginning?

I have had experiences with Spirit since I was a small child. I was always thinking that I was odd or just a little crazy, but shortly before joining the church, my Mother-in-law passed away in Hungary and we had sold our house and she was still in it. We were trying to get her to go to the Light! This was the beginning of our Spiritual journey.

In your many years with the church, what are some of your most memorable moments?

The visit from British Medium Queenie Dixon was truly memorable. She was a Physical Medium. Not many mediums use that form any more since it is tiring on them. Her face would take on the looks of the person as bringing the message from. It was truly an unforgettable experience for me, since she brought forth both my parents and also my grandmom. My husband introduced her. She had a black cape around her clothing and when she started working a red light would shine on her face. No jewelry of any kind was worn by her. On the way home my husband said “Well I finally met my in-laws this night.” A month later he said it was only his imagination, but I known better.

How has Spiritualism and The Star of Hope changed since you became involved?

There has been many changes. In early years you did not have to remind people to turn off cell phones. The services have remained mostly the same with some small changes. Things are a little less formal.

People are still not as accepting about each other as we should be, but we keep working on it. It is very important that we realize our differences and accept each as they are. This is where PEACE will start! From the rostrum there are more messages given and less proof of survival than what it was in the 1970s..

You are often on the rostrum on Sundays and Wednesdays at the Church. What makes those days special in your opinion?

Those are the times that I can bring forward the message that we are not ever alone, no matter what trials or tribulations come our way. I feel that even if I can reach one soul and help them, then my work was done.

What are the things you would like to see more of at the church and why?

A little more decorum and appreciation that we are in a Church setting, especially during Divine Services.

The building is not important, it is the feeling that is with the congregation and the vibrations that are important. The loving environment is very important. It would be nice to have our own space but we have never been too concerned with finances. The idea have been that we are going to be provided what we need. I truly believe this. Even when there were only 1 or 2 coming out for Wednesday Meditation, we kept it going. It is also the same with the Tuesday Mediumship Development group. We have to keep on doing this work as too many are looking for Spiritual Guidance that they are not getting elsewhere!

Has there been a unique message from spirit that you have received?

I have a very strong desire to keep this Church going. We are somewhat of a Pioneer in this field, because it was the first in our area that accepted the fact that every one has a gift, and started to teach Spiritual Development in all of Durham Region and surounding area. To this day, the old time Spiritualists do not talk about or appreciate Sandra’s vision – to help each and every person to find their own calling. That is why in Development we touch on many different ways of connecting with your own understanding of Spirit, and finding your own gift!

How would you convince someone to attend an event or service at The Star of Hope?

I am sure that anyone searching for a higher power to connect with will find their home with us. The first time I walked into The Star of Hope Church I knew instinctively that I was at home. We have had over the years people come to us from many different backgrounds. In my first year teaching experience, there were a person of Jewish faith, an older couple who came from the Brethren, an agnostic, and many others. One of our most gifted healers was a Roman Catholic. She would go to her Church in the morning and come to our service in the evening. As for fear of the unknown? It is always worst when you do not know. As it has been said“Knowledge will set you free.” Once you acquire the knowledge you realize that there is nothing that you have to fear! Fear and worry will draw these things to you. When you go forward in the knowledge that you are safe and protected, life will become so much more easy. NOTHING will seem un-surmountable!